Diazepam 2.5mg x 20 tablets = $29

Why buy from me.

  • Please check my dormain record. I am in the business for 15 years.
  • Google my name and keyword “scam” no one ever comoplained about me for 15 years. I never scamed.
  • Important

    Please make sure that the receiver's name, address, and phone number do not have any holds or seizures recorded in the past year.


    I will email you about payment details in 24 hours.

    Shipping to Australia

    Shipping to Australia is quite safe. I have a remailer inside australia. I will send to my remailer first and you will receive a domestic package. There is no record of importing on your name. The downside is that track number is about a week after i receive your payment. It takes time to ship into Australia and for my remailer to process the pacakge.

    Australia Arrival Region

  • all states of Australia
  • This product is a BDZ class anti anxiety drug, which has anti anxiety, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, anti epileptic, and central muscle relaxation effects as the dosage increases.
    1. The anti anxiety effect has strong selectivity, 2. When the dosage is large, it can induce sleep and has no effect on liver enzymes, making it the most commonly used hypnotic drug in clinical practice; 3 also has a good anti epileptic effect and is extremely effective in treating status epilepticus.

    Here are some reviews from my buyers.

    M. Brittany From Moonie Northern Territory Australia
    September 1, 2024
    Very good gears.
    A. Jorge From Loxton South Australia Australia
    August 30, 2024
    I feel better.
    D. Kathryn From Kingston Tasmania Australia
    August 28, 2024
    Noticed added strength when working out.
    M. Brendan From Richmond New South Wales Australia
    August 26, 2024
    You know you will get favorable quality every time.
    K. Ramon From Ceduna South Australia Australia
    August 25, 2024
    I give it 5 stars for what its worth.